Crime Prevention & Community Safety
Riverbend Resources
Community Liaison Officer Constable Sue Bennett
If you need to report an emergency or crime in progress please call 911.
If you need to report a historical crime and there is not an immediate need for police please call the Calgary Police non-emergency line at 403-266-1234.
For online reporting please visit -
Facebook Group: Douglasdale-Douglas Glen-Quarry Park-Riverbend Community & Block Watch - 2.8k members and growing!
Riverbend Crime Statistics
Click here to check on CPS statistical reports for community crime in Calgary
Click here for the interactive map highlighting crime by YYC community
Click here for updates on Riverbend crime activity from My Calgary
Car Break-Ins & Prowling Concerns
Most recent concerns about car break-ins and car prowling have been brought to the attention of the Police
Tips from Calgary Police Service are included in this PDF
Reporting a car prowling may not directly help your individual case but it will benefit the community as a whole.
Reporting a Crime
Please make sure to report all crimes. Police cannot assign additional resources to our area without observing any increases in crimes reported.
Crimes can be easily reported online without the need of waiting on hold for extended periods of time. Alternatively call the non-emergency line at 403-266-1234.
Reporting a car prowling may not directly help your individual case but it will benefit the community as a whole.
The 9 p.m. Routine
Calgary Police is encouraging Calgarians to establish a '9 p.m. Routine' to help secure property before heading to bed.
Property crime, including break and enters, car prowlings and auto thefts, continues to affect citizens across the city. In many cases, simply locking up and taking the opportunity away from offenders is enough to stop the crime. So far this year, offenders have only needed to force entry in 34 per cent of residential break and enters. As well, 50 per cent of all residential break and enters occurred overnight, creating a significant safety concern for residents and their families who could be home sleeping.
“The routine is simple,” says Sgt. Matt Baker of the Centralized Break and Enter Team. “Every night before going to bed we want all citizens to get in the habit of double checking that their vehicles, property and residence are secure. Offenders will often go down a street checking vehicles and houses for doors left open. By simply locking your door you could avoid waking up to an intruder in your home.”