
RCA Spring  Membership Drive 

Join Us Today!

Thinking of joining the RCA? Want to benefit from both being part of your community as well as getting some great perks such as discounts on hall rentals? If you are not a member yet, then consider joining today! 

The RCA is having a three-month membership drive campaign from March to May to promote the benefits of an RCA membership and help spread the word on the excellent perks that come along with it. 

We are asking our existing members to please refer and encourage your neighbour, friend, or family to get a membership today! 

If your membership has lapsed, please consider re-joining again today! 

RCA Memberships are Affordable 

RCA membership is open to individual or family who resides within Riverbend community boundaries.

Individual/Family [Most Popular] is only $25 + GST per year! 

Seniors aged 65 and over only pay only $15 + GST per year! 

RCA Memberships come with Great Perks! 

What does an RCA membership get you? 

Priority registration for FREE community programs and events!

RCA Memberships Connect you Closer to the Community

Being an RCA member means you will stay in close touch with us so that you can stay on top of all that is going on in Riverbend. Our membership base is always growing, and being an active member means you can network with others in ways which can help us better help you, though offering great new programs and services! 

Your Membership Fees help the RCA

Membership fees are used to support community events, programs, projects and volunteer engagement/recognition.

How to purchase & renew RCA Membership

Online - Log-in to renew your membership. Register here to purchase a new membership!

2024 RCA Block Party 

"Get to know your Neighbour Event" 

June 1, from 12 to 3 PM

Join us on June 1, from 12 pm to 3 pm to meet your neighbours and community partners and take a full tour of the RCA facility, including a full-service kitchen and patio!

Celebrate the end of our Membership Drive Campaign!

Meet our membership partners who offer RCA members benefits and discounts. 

Live music, Line dancing, Bouncy castle, Food trucks, Arts & Crafts, and more!