Bart Lamb
Bart Lamb is a familiar name in and around Riverbend, but not many may know that he has lived in our community since 1988, owning nine Riverbend homes over those years.
Bart was the Riverbend Community Association’s President from 1991-1993 and was instrumental in the building of our community centre.
The development of the hall happened in two phases:
First, was fundraising through bingos and casinos that raised about $350,000, and second was obtaining a matching grant. With that, the hall was built in the early 90s.
The association at the time was restricted in some of the buildings features, Bart explained. For example, it could not have a second floor and the size of the structure was limited to the building pocket (maximum width a building can be on a certain lot) due to the utility right of way.
The basement was developed a few years later.
Bart has not only lived in Riverbend for a long time, he’s worked here too. Many residents might recognize his face from bus stop ads. It’s always been my intention to live and work in Riverbend, he said. Bart’s favourite thing about living in Riverbend is its proximity to the parks and the fact that it’s a central location in Calgary.
It is really rewarding to be involved with the community. He noted that it was good to see many young families at the most recent community meeting.