Carburn Park
Carburn Park is The Hidden Jewel of Riverbend
Created in the 1986 along the eastern banks of the Bow River the park is named for Carburn Aggregrates; the name of the company that built the three ponds which are the distinctive feature of the park.
The ponds contain fish that attract a number of species of fish-eating birds including Belted Kingfishers and Great Blue Herons. In the main river channel diving ducks such as Common Goldeneye and Buffleheads are often sighted.
The ponds have a resident population of perch which lures anglers from all over Calgary. Fishing web sites list it as a great place to for families to drop a hook.
The upper part of the park is situated on the Porcupine Hills Formation bedrock which is exposed along the escarpment but most of the parkland is on deposited river gravel. Some of this gravel was mined and the remainder landscaped into its current form.
Outdoor Skating Rink
Outdoor skating rink is available between December and February (weather dependent). The rink is available for skating from 11 AM to 10 PM. Hockey sticks/nets are not permitted and helmets are strongly recommended.
More information is available at City of Calgary website